
List of tools included with the installation and how to use them


Used to create, sign and/or send a Masterprotocol currency transaction


Checks from address to make sure it has:

  • Enough BTC to create/send the transaction
    • Note: To avoid potential double spends all unspent TX used to create a new TX are tracked/locked for 10 Blocks from use. It is recommended, when offline signing, to make sure you broadcast within this timeframe.
  • Balance of the CurrencyID to make sure it has enough to send msc_send_amt
    • Balance is checked using 2 online resources ( and Omniwallet)


Takes json input via STDIN for the following variables:

  • transaction_from: The Public Address of the Sender
  • transaction_to: The Public address of the Receipiant
  • currency_id: Currency ID to send. 1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC
  • property_type: 1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)
  • send_amt: The amount of the Currency ID to send
  • from_private_key: Base58 Private Key of the sender’s Public Address *
    • (Note: Should start with the number 5)
  • broadcast: Create, Sign and/or Broadcast Tx.
    • 0 - Create the Unsigned TX file only
    • 1 - Create and Sign the TX file
    • 2 - Create, Sign and Broadcast the TX file
  • clean: Clean up any of the tx files created.``*``
    • 0 - Keep all Tx files created
    • 1 - Remove only the intersigned Tx files. (Leaves the original unsigned Tx and the signed Tx)
    • 2 - Remove all unsigned Tx files. Leaves only the signed Tx file that can be broadcast.
    • 3 - Remove all Tx files. Signed and unsigned, make sure you have broadcast the Tx before you do this.
  • * Only required if you are signing/broadcasting the tx file and can be omitted if just creating unsigned file.*

The json takes the following format:

  "transaction_from": "{{Public from Address}}",
  "transaction_to": "{{Public to Address}}",
  "currency_id": {{1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC}},
  "send_amt": {{amount to send}},
  "property_type": {{1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)}}
  "broadcast": {{1 to create and broadcast or 0 to just create}},
  "from_private_key": "{{private key for signing}}",
  "clean": {{0 -keep all tx files, 1 -remove intersigned tx, 2 -remove all unsigned, 3 -remove all}}


Note: for security the following was a brand new empty wallet. You should replace it’s details with your own applicable info:

  "transaction_from": "1GGJMZoaxYMS4jsiLwPVbofe5YJyM6ER2i",
  "transaction_to": "19hf8QEkD3GR7NhUrujWXRg6e4gsHUTysp",
  "currency_id": 1,
  "send_amt": 5.1,
  "property_type": 2,
  "from_private_key": "5JXxd7qecXrzd9hJGdJsBnwkfJauHxVqbqRmBqQUjhrbGJPgoWb",
  "broadcast": 1,
  "clean": 1

For reference, here is what the generator page for the above address looks like. Take note of the ‘Uncompressed/Compressed’ option



Will return a json formated output. Errors will be returned with json that contains

   "status": "Status message",
   "error": "error details",
   "fix": "Corrective action to resolve the issue"

Successful run will return json that contains:

  "status": "Broadcast/Created/Signed status",
  "valid_check": "Validity check of signed file",
  "hash": "Hash of the tx",
  "st_file": "location/name of the signed tx file"


Standalone running/testing can be done by creating a json file (see input details or example_send.json for structure) You can execute/run the program with:

cat your_file.json | python



Used to create (and/or send) a Mastercoin transaction


Checks from address to make sure it has:

  • Enough BTC to create/send the transaction
  • Balance of the CurrencyID to make sure it has enough to send msc_send_amt


Takes json input via STDIN for the following variables:

  • transaction_from: The Public Address of the Sender
  • transaction_to: The Public address of the Receipiant
  • currency_id: Currency ID to send. 1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC
  • msc_send_amt: The amount of the Currency ID to send
  • property_type: 1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)
  • from_private_key: Base58 Private Key of the sender’s Public Address (Note: Should start with 5)
  • broadcast: Create and/or Broadcast Tx. 1 to create and broadcast or 0 to just create
  • clean: Clean up any of the tx files created.
    • 0 - Keep all Tx files created
    • 1 - Remove only the intersigned Tx files. (Leaves the original unsigned Tx and the signed Tx)
    • 2 - Remove all unsigned Tx files. Will leave only the signed Tx file that can be broadcast to the network.
    • 3 - Remove all Tx files. Signed and unsigned, make sure you have broadcast the Tx before you do this.

The json takes the following format:

  "transaction_from": "{{Public from Address}}",
  "transaction_to": "{{Public to Address}}",
  "currency_id": {{1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC}},
  "msc_send_amt": {{amount to send}},
  "property_type": {{1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)}}
  "from_private_key": "{{private key for signing}}",
  "broadcast": {{1 to create and broadcast or 0 to just create}},
  "clean": {{0 -keep all tx files, 1 -remove intersigned tx, 2 -remove all unsigned, 3 -remove all}}


Note: for security the following was a brand new empty wallet. You should replace it’s details with your own applicable info:

  "transaction_from": "1GGJMZoaxYMS4jsiLwPVbofe5YJyM6ER2i",
  "transaction_to": "19hf8QEkD3GR7NhUrujWXRg6e4gsHUTysp",
  "currency_id": 1,
  "msc_send_amt": 5.1,
  "property_type": 2,
  "from_private_key": "5JXxd7qecXrzd9hJGdJsBnwkfJauHxVqbqRmBqQUjhrbGJPgoWb",
  "broadcast": 1,
  "clean": 1

For reference, here is what the generator page for the above address looks like. Take note of the ‘Uncompressed/Compressed’ option



Will return a json formated output. Errors will be returned with json that contains

   "status": "Status message",
   "error": "error details",
   "fix": "Corrective action to resolve the issue"

Successful run will return json that contains:

  "status": "Broadcast/Created status",
  "valid_check": "Validity check of signed file",
  "hash": "Hash of the tx",
  "st_file": "location/name of the signed tx file"


Standalone running/testing can be done by creating a json file (see input details or example_send.json for structure) You can execute/run the program with:

cat your_file.json | python



Used to create an unsigned Mastercoin transaction


Checks from address to make sure it has:

  • Enough BTC to create/send the transaction
  • Balance of the CurrencyID to make sure it has enough to send msc_send_amt


Takes json input via STDIN for the following variables:

  • transaction_from: The Public Address of the Sender
  • transaction_to: The Public address of the Receipiant
  • currency_id: Currency ID to send. 1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC
  • msc_send_amt: The amount of the Currency ID to send
  • property_type: 1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)

The json takes the following format:

  "transaction_from": "{{Public from Address}}",
  "transaction_to": "{{Public to Address}}",
  "currency_id": {{1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC}},
  "msc_send_amt": {{amount to send}},
  "property_type": {{1 for indivisible currency, 2 for divisible (MSC/TMSC are 2, Maidsafecoins are 1)}}


Note: for security the following was a brand new empty wallet. You should replace it’s details with your own applicable info:

  "transaction_from": "1GGJMZoaxYMS4jsiLwPVbofe5YJyM6ER2i",
  "transaction_to": "19hf8QEkD3GR7NhUrujWXRg6e4gsHUTysp",
  "currency_id": 1,
  "msc_send_amt": 5.1


Will return a json formated output. Errors will be returned with json that contains

   "status": "Status message",
   "error": "error details",
   "fix": "Corrective action to resolve the issue"

Successful run will return json that contains:

  "status": "Created status",
  "st_file": "location/name of the unsigned tx file"


Standalone running/testing can be done by creating a json file (see input details or example_send.json for structure) You can execute/run the program with:

cat your_file.json | python


Used to get the Mastercoin balance of an address


This script leverages the existing mastercoin tools parsed/validated output. Mastercoin tools should be installed and fully updated with the Mastercoin Data in:



Will check/return the date of the parsed date as listed in



Takes json input via STDIN for the following variables:

  • address: The address you want to check the balance for
  • currency_id: The currency you want the balance for
    • 1 - Mastercoin
    • 2 - Test Mastercoins

The json takes the following format:

  "address": "{{Address to check}}",
  "currency_id": {{1 for MSC, 2 for TMSC}}


  "address": "1CMauYumpA7YG8i4cPod8FadRLK95HxSob",
  "currency_id": 1


Will return a json formated output

Completed run will return json that contains:

  "address": "Address checked",
  "currency_id": "Currency checked",
  "balance": "Balance or error message",
  "balancetime": "Time in GMT human readable",
  "epochtime": "Balance Timestamp in GMT epoch"

Note: If the revision file or currency address files are missing the time is omitted and an error message is returned for balance.


Standalone running/testing can be done by creating a json file (see input details or example_balance.json for structure) You can execute/run the program with:

cat your_file.json | python


Used to get the consensus of local installation with Online sites Note: The final consensus authority is defined by the mastercoin tools code result. Masterchain Consensus Report


This script leverages the existing mastercoin tools parsed/validated output. Mastercoin tools should be installed and fully updated with the Mastercoin Data in:



Takes json input via STDIN for the sites you wish to validate consensus against: Note: At present generates consensus output for Currency ID 1 (MSC) only.

  • site: The sites to compare local results against

The json takes the following format:

{ "sites":


Will return a json formated output array of address not in consensus

For each address not in Consensus, completed run will return balance of that address for each site checked in json format:

  "consensus": Number Representing Consensus Rating,
           "balance": Number Representing Current balance for the site checked,
           "site":"Site/Data Source name",
           "address":"address not in consensus"
          ... data in format of ^ for each site when address is not in consensus
        ... 2nd address (if exists) not in consensus in format ^^^


Running by creating a json file (see input details) for sites you wish to check or use the provided getConsensus.json You can execute/run the program with:

cat getConsensus.json | python